➤ We are devoted to BIBLICAL WORSHIP.
We believe that God alone determines how He should be worshiped and what is pleasing to Him. So when you join us for corporate worship, you will find every element directed by the Word of God. We read the Bible, preach the Bible, pray the Bible, sing the Bible, and give according to the Bible. We do this with reverence, with awe, and with great joy, knowing we are worshiping our Maker and our Savior. God has made us for worship. He has saved us for worship. He calls us to worship. Therefore, it is our joy to enter into God's presence to worship Him!
➤We are devoted to EXPOSITORY PREACHING.
We believe the primary method in which God is pleased to save sinners and sanctify saints is through the proclamation of the Scriptures (Rom 10:15-17, 1 Cor 1:17-18). At Christ the King, we are delighted and devoted to having the whole counsel of God preached to us for our spiritual nourishment and growth in grace, by going consecutively through the books of the Bible.
➤We are devoted to the LORD'S SUPPER.
As the early church was known for "the breaking of the bread" (Acts 2:42), so we participate in the Lord's Supper every Lord's Day. We celebrate the Lord's Supper at the conclusion of our evening worship service as we "eat, drink and behold God" (Exodus 24:11). We believe the Lord's Supper is a vital part of the Christian life in which the Lord strengthens our faith and encourages us to keep pressing on.
➤We are devoted to CORPORATE PRAYER.
We know that Christ desires His church to be a "house of prayer" and that is exactly what we strive to be at Christ the King. Although God is pleased to answer His people's individual prayers, we believe corporate prayer to be essential to the life of the church. We acknowledge in prayer our utter helplessness and our complete dependence upon God. We gather as a family in prayer to seek our Heavenly Father's will for our good and His glory.
➤We are devoted to THE LORD'S DAY.
We believe that God has gifted us with Sunday, the day of Christ's resurrection, as a special day for our enjoyment. On this day we gather to worship God and enjoy fellowship with His people. Though we participate in other activities throughout the week as a church, we view the Lord's Day as the best day of the week.
➤We are devoted to BIBLICAL SHEPHERDING.
We believe that Christ has appointed under-shepherds to feed, guide, guard, and to protect us as members of Christ's flock. The elders help us as individuals and as families to grow in the Christian faith. We acknowledge that we are prone to wander from the God we love, so we are thankful for the elders whom God has called to watch over our souls.
We are not interested in merely being a holy huddle but desire to spread the Good News of Christ. Therefore, we are passionate about extending the Gospel to those who are in darkness. We believe that Christ will faithfully build His church through His people's lips and through their godly living. We are also committed to planting churches for the further extension of Christ's kingdom.